Saturday, December 7, 2019
Health Care Management Performances of Hospital
Question: Describe about the Health Care Management for Performances of Hospital. Answer: Introduction This particular research work would try to shed light on two parts from two different perspectives. The first part of the research work would try to shed light on analyzing the leading organizational changes along with enhancing the overall performance of the hospital. On the other hand, the second part of this case study analysis would analyze both the personal and organizational analysis. From the case study, it can be found out that Tracey Burns, the Director of Nursing at the King Edgar NHS Hospital Trust was assigned to head a project to enhance the efficiency of patient flows throughout the existing system of the hospital (Barsoux and Gilmartin 2007). This particular case has demonstrated how the nurses are empowered to play a more proactive role in the procedure of discharging the patients. Additionally, the Trust was going through a monetary disaster and it had many complexities in meeting the waiting catalog targets of the government and at the same time was receiving adverse media coverage. Therefore, after departing through this case study, it can be found out that this specific case has looked at how the nurses finally took roles and responsibilities in order to make the final decision for discharging the individuals and this was traditionally the job of the physicians (Barsoux and Gilmartin 2007). This task was hard enough, as it destined the equilibrium of power between the medical doctors and the nurses would change, but in regards for the procedure of modification, there would have to be sharp opposition between these two major groups of the organization. This case would allow a researcher to discuss two separate aspects of change and the first aspect concerns the change procedure. This specific case raises a number of themes to do with the requirement for the top management to build the case for the stressful changes, gather support, provide constant as well as consistent communication, sell gain and pain, encourage accountability, measure progress and sustain momentum for the changes (Barsoux and Gilmartin 2007). Moreover, this has highlighted different ways of developing the commitment and gradually overcoming resistance to the changes. Therefore, it can be stated that this research work has allowed exploring the mapping as well as diagnosis of the addressed issue along with the relevance of the solutions pursued and the metrics introduced (Barsoux and Gilmartin 2007). Part A: Leading Organizational Change; Improving Hospital Performance After merging of three hospitals, the King Edgar Hospitals NHS Trust got a lot of unfavorable media reporting over its waiting record issues along with 30 million economic discrepancy. Apart from that, the Trust members discussed several issues at their monthly meeting and thus it was high time for the organization to take a decision for incorporating change management. For dealing with the addressed situations in the hospital, the Chief Executive, Rodger Andrews requested Tracey Burns, the Executive Director of nursing to take the responsibilities, as being the former matron, she was well aware of the issues in the hospital (Barsoux and Gilmartin 2007). This part of the analysis would particularly evaluate the entire matter under the lights of French and Ravens model of authority and this would be analyzed below. Legitimate: This particular part comes from the faith that a person has the official right to formulate the demands and to anticipate others to be acquiescent and compliant. From the case study, it can be find out that Tracey Burns readily brought herself to the places of the patients and this helped her to take the management decision easily. Apart from that, it can be observed from the research work that beyond the patient perspectives, she was a chance to gradually extent the roles and responsibilities in an environment dominated by the medical professionals. Simons and Leroy (2013) has stated that more largely, lawful power is that depended on social rules and can have more than a few dissimilar forms and not just be depended on proposition: Legitimate situation of power: The social standard of conforming people in a greater position Legitimate supremacy of reciprocity: The standard that one must reimburse those who assist Legitimate power of evenhandedness: The standard of fair play and due recompense Legitimate power of accountability: The norm of communal accountability in assisting others The hospital wanted to enhance its present situation and thus incorporating change management was essential. Reward: Simons and Leroy (2013) has stated that this results from one persons capability to recompense another for fulfillment. One of the main causes people work is for the capital and thus recompense system in the organization is necessary enough. Therefore, it can be stated that the reward power is thus the potentiality to give other people what they require and therefore ask them to do thing in substitute. Tracey Burns wanted to provide some extra power to the nursing staffs of the organization, as rewarding the employees enhance their performance. Tracey Burns believed that empowering the nurses might assist recruit and retain more of them in what had become a very tight labor market. From the case analysis, it can be found out that with its additional potential to relieve waiting lists; this project was a high stakes undertaking on all fronts. From the article, it has been found that based on three metrics named financial performance, cleanliness and staff morale, the trust of the hospital were awarded stars and this was to motivate the employees (Barsoux and Gilmartin 2007). Expert: This particular part is depended on a persons high levels of talent and acquaintance. Tracey Burns was selected by the Chief Executive, as she had some capabilities to manage successfully. She was well aware of the discussed issues in the organization, although her responsibilities were entirely administrative. Tracey Burns had in mind a universal approach to patient release that would begin at the pre-admission phase. Most importantly, it can be stated that more controversially, she nurtured plans to introduce nurse-led discharges that would mean nurses would take over responsibility from specialist physicians to make the final decision to discharge a patient. Tracey Burns arranged a workshop on enhancing the employee performance, as she was expert in that domain (Anderson 2013). Referent: Simons and Leroy (2013) has said that referent is the consequence of a persons professed magnetism, praiseworthiness and right to others admiration. It can be stated that the power of personality and fame is exercised by all celebrities as well as more communal leaders. In spite of many managing heads in the organization, Tracey Burns was selected for bringing the change management in the organization and this was because of the fact that she was capable enough to handle all the odd issues in the organization (Barsoux and Gilmartin 2007). Coercive: Following this model, it can be stated that this comes from the faith that a human being can chastise others for non-compliance. This is the power to force someone to do something against their determination and this is the power of authoritarians, depots and intimidates. Other structures of power can also be used in coercive procedures, such as when a prize or proficiency is suspended or referent power is used to intimidate communal segregation (Barsoux and Gilmartin 2007). Informational: This last part results from a persons capability for controlling the data that others require to complete something. Information by itself might not be sufficient for this and therefore be sustained by an argument as to why the data should be supposed. Tracey Burns was well informed about the present situation of the hospital and thus she was elected for a sensible and responsible post (Barsoux and Gilmartin 2007). From the case study, it can be seen that the discharge planning initiatives benefited because the lead matron, Helen Edwards had formerly been her hospitals link matron for the issues adjacent discharge. This was obvious for her to build on that experience and within two weeks after the first workshop, she produced a report named changing culture and enhancing discharge performance. This report outlined the scope of the initiative for the ward sisters and nurses. Apart from that, this report stressed that it was one of the main priorities for the trust and that discharge planning started from the moment of a patients admission in the hospital (Barsoux and Gilmartin 2007). After analyzing this part, it is necessary enough to focus on nurse-led discharge. From the investigation of the case study, it can be found out that subsequent to the first matrons workshop in April 2003, the immediate challenge for the nurse-led discharge project had been the development of the project. In order to make the entire part smooth enough, Assistant Director of Nursing from Bronte Hospital volunteered for taking responsibilities for the initiative along with a matron from maternity department of the same hospital. It can be stated that an appropriate background is often obtainable as the reason why the hospitals all through the globe have been incapable to accomplish best practices. Many researchers have concluded that the organizational culture of the hospitals limit the capability of these organizations to enhance their performance, specifically in relation to enhance safety and quality. Simons and Leroy (2013) has stated that establishment of a better culture most of the time presented as the resolution to quality, safety, productivity and financial issues in the hospitals. Investigation of the research work has indicated that certain management conditions are required before change of the culture can be contemplated. This paper has suggested that people often underestimate the significance of people management in enhancing several practices in hospitals with the three major significant aspects of being the development of teamwork, sophisticated training and performance management. After analyzing this paper, it can be concluded that this analysis has present the proof of the possible payment in good people administration has the potentiality to contribute in high performance and an argument has been made that superior people administration is a reason, not a conclusion of the cultural changes (Barsoux and Gilmartin 2007). Throughout the analysis of the entire research work, it has been found that the King Edgar NHS Hospital has been suffering through efficient management and an immediate change was required. Moreover, there was lack of administrative care as well as the misinterpretation of the facts and figures. Lack of supervision and coordination from the part of higher management and authority has brought the condition of the King Edgar NHS Hospital top this level. In order to deal with the addressed situation, a workshop was conducted to get everybody thinking about the improvements. However, it is important to mention here that in the atmosphere of widespread anxiety and change fatigue, nothing came of it. Tracey Burns was specially disappointed by the evidence of a blame culture that had permeated the workshop. She found that the social services were responsible for all the discharge issues because in many cases they failed to propose a proper and timely solution for the patients (Barsoux and G ilmartin 2007). Collaboration among the doctors and the nurses were poor and this was responsible for the present situation of King Edgar NHS Hospital. The major idea of the workshop was to properly and clearly underline that the nurses had both the authority as well as the expertise for sorting out the production line (Barsoux and Gilmartin 2007). Moreover, this case study analysis has pointed out several effective ways of developing the obligation and steadily overcoming confrontation to the changes. Therefore, it can be stated that this research work has allowed discovering the mapping as well as analysis of the addressed issue along with the significance of the solutions pursued and the metrics introduced (Barsoux and Gilmartin 2007). Part B: Personal and Organizational Analysis The organizational culture of a company plays a vital role in the success of the organization. The beliefs, ideologies as well as the cultural assumptions of the employees determine the way in which the employees of the organization interact with each other. The Al-Jazeera Hospital, just like any other health care organization, must ensure that there is high level of involvement and professionalism among the employees, and that each employee is equally enthusiastic to contribute to the well-being of the patients. The present task intends to analyze the organizational culture of the Al Jazeera Hospital in the light of the Goffee Jones Framework. The Goffee Jones cultural model is an important model of organizational management that claims that solidarity is the most important feature that must characterize the organizational culture of any company. The positive solidarity among the employees is highly desirable, for organizational success, as it helps in joint, integrated effort towards achieving a singular objective. The model also intends to emphasize the importance of social skills among the employees of an organization, as it helps in promoting a sense of unity among them that ultimately helps in better co-ordination, ultimately bringing in organizational success. From the organizational analysis, it has been observed that there is a high sense of professionalism among the employees of the Al Jazeera Hospital, as a result of which they fail to communicate well with the colleagues. Besides, due to lack of effective communication among the employees, the administrative head of the hospital, fails to plan and organize the business plans, or motivate the employees to follow the implemented strategies. As a result, it has an adverse impact on the positive organizational behavior of the hospital. According to the Goffee and Cultural mode, the sociability among the employees is ones of the key determinants of the success of the organization. In case an organization intends to achieve long-term sustainability, it must ensure that each employee in an organization has a sense of mutual esteem, care and concern for the other colleagues. As far as the social skills of the employees of Al Jazeera Hospital are concerned, it has been observed that the element of sociability is not too high. Although the workplace atmosphere is apparently friendly, as the physicians and the nurses have a good rapport and an admirable sense of understanding, such relations exist mostly on the superficial level. Once a nurse, a supervisor or a health consultant leaves the hospital, the connection of the employees with him is lost forever. Friendship exists only on a professional level. Hence, as and when a radical change is introduced in the organization, the employees show a sense of resistance and fear , rather than complying with the changed situation. However, some employees do share a personal bond and a profound sense of unity and belonging to the same institution, that has increased their productivity and efficiency at workplace. However, at times, it has been observed that the doctors do not share a sense of rapport with each nurse, and hence on several occasions, failed to communicate the information about the health care service to be delivered. This often leads to the perpetration of medical errors that cause severe injury or even unexpected patient death. The hospital has also reported incidents of delay in treatment procedure, wrong-site surgeries fatal fall that has been ruining the reputation of the organization, lately. Consequently, this is also having a negative impact on the organizational behavior of the employees. Although the employees go along well, during free time, there is a lack of sense of attachment and co-ordination among the employees. As a result, whe n anything goes wrong, the employees instead of trying to find a comprehensive solution to the problem, initiates the blame game. This further leads to the creation of organizational clash and conflict, and affects the positive organizational behavior of the employees (Wamba 2012). Al Jazeera hospital is required to create a workplace atmosphere that encourages good relation among the team members, team control and co-ordination and confidence and faith in the decisions of the other team mates. The verbal mode of communication among the employees was also found to be inconsistent, except in professional fields. Hence, the employees are losing a sense of motivation that is leading to the problem of low retention rate and high employee turnover rates. Besides, due to lack of effective communication, the quality of health service offered by the hospital is low, and there is a greater chance of medical errors, adverse events and compromises for the patient safety, within the organization. However, since this is hampering the productivity and reputation of the organization, the organization needs to introduce interactive sessions, and fun activities and games, so as to promote unity and attachment among the employees. These also help them to get rid of occupational stress, and help them in improving the employee satisfaction. Besides, it is also evident that the organization needs to organize different seminars and workshops that will help the employees deal with occupational difficulties, by reducing any kind of communication problem (Wamba 2012). The workplace interrelation among the employees is more professional, and less personal. Hence, although the employees have good connections among each other that lead to the creation of a moderately pleasant and productive atmosphere the issue of employee loyalty is questionable. According to the Goffee and Jones Model, positive sociability is very important for creating a positive workplace environment. This people-centric approach in work helps in flexible decision making process, increased rate of employee satisfaction and motivation and an integrated approach to achieve organizational goal. Here, there is a striking absence of a sense of unity among the employees. Almost each of the health professionals is highly professional in their work, and thus, these employees are too defensive and self-assertive during the times of crisis. The employees are primarily driven by personal motives and selfish interest, and hence they fail to look beyond their personal gains, in order to contr ibute to the success of the hospital (Hamdi et al. 2012). Solidarity is also an important concept in the Goffee and Jones Cultural Model that claims that while working in an organization, each of the employees is required to think in the very same direction, and must have almost a similar purpose of working in the company. The employees working in the Al Jazeera hospital enjoy a unity of interest, professional objectives and standards that help in the improvement of the employee retention and can potentially help in reducing the rate of employee turnover. Each of the health professionals working in the hospital works with one common motto- to deliver high quality health care, with the help of 100 % dedication to the patient at hand. The unity of purpose is further boosted, by regular meetings organized by the management authority of the organization at regular intervals (Hamdi et al. 2012). Each of the employees has sufficient, comprehensive knowledge about the strategic goals, objectives and vision of the organization. Because of the presence of employee solidarity among the nurses, physicians and the supervisors, each of the employees are always prepared to extend help and support to the other employees, and share responsibilities among themselves. Thus, the employee solidarity is an important factor that is able to exercise an overall positive impact on the functioning of the organization. Unlike the other organizations, in case of the health care organizations, the notion of solidarity is rather quite new. However, in Al Jazeera hospital, the employees work with a sense of interdependence for delivering high quality care to the patients. It is worth-mentioning here, that because of a strong sense of solidarity among the employees, the nurses and the physicians are being encouraged to value the contribution of other colleagues, and to appreciate the impact made by th em, in the organizational activities. The sense of solidarity among the medical professionals helps in resolving the workplace conflict among the employees. It has been observed that each of the employees is aware of the immediate business goals that they intend to achieve over the given period of time. The health professionals, medical experts, nurse practitioners of the organization work with the wildly optimistic goals, and hence their joint effort and a positive attitude are reflected in their strong endeavor to deliver high quality treatment to the patients (Hamdi et al. 2012). Each of the employees of the organization shares the goals and objectives, necessary for achieving organizational success. This helps in goal alignment, whereby the managers and the administrative heads of the hospital communicate the strategic business plans to the employees. This clear line of communication helps in the effective implementation of business plans. By helping the employees work with the same motive, and in the very same direction, the organization has succeeded in offering adaptability and flexibility to the employees, in their day-to-day operation. It should be noted that collaboration is a very complex process, and yet it needs the employees take joint responsibility for delivering healthcare facility to the patients. The health professionals utilize most of the interactions among the team members. This helps them to provide positive patient outcome. It should be remembered that the employee collaboration in case of Al Jazeera hospital does not necessarily imply ex cessive managerial intervention or supervision. Instead, the effective collaborative relationship among the employees provides opportunity for mutual trust, care and confidence among the employees of the organization. Although the sense of collaboration and harmony in health care centers is indeed quite rare, yet it facilitates in better outcome for patients. The doctors as well as the nurses believe in behaving in a highly co-operative way, characterized by a sense of reciprocity. Although the hospital often witnesses incidents of internal conflict, ultimately posing a threat to the future sustainability of the organization, the health professionals share a strong sense of responsibility towards the patient (LaPierre and Zimmerman 2012). The collective expertise of the healthcare team is highly important, especially while delivering primary health care service to the patients. In case of fatal diseases, or for treating patients with critical ailments, it is imperative to provide a multidisciplinary care to the patients. The organization already enjoys a highly flexible culture, and due to the absence of strong external intervention, the hospital affects the employee solidarity in a positive way. The leadership style adopted by the organization has also an important role to play in creating a positive solidarity among the employees (Wamba 2012). The organization adopts the transformational leadership style, as a result of which the employees are being encouraged and motivated to transcend their selfish interest and motives for the good of the group. The lack of communication, a sense of awkwardness or even lack of proper co-ordination can impede the progress of work. As a result, the employees work with greater enthus iasm and a greater sense of responsibility for delivering best quality treatment and individual attention to each patient. Conclusion It is evident that efficient management and systematic administrative control is highly necessary for any organization if it intends to deliver high quality health care facility to the employees. In case of the case study it has been observed, that due to lack of roper administration and managerial supervision, there is a lack of co-ordination and integrity among the health professionals working in the health care center. It is evident that the organization requires taking immediate corrective action and adopting the transformational or at least participative leadership style for daily operation of the activities. In case of the Al Jazeera hospital, it has been observed that though the healthcare professionals are highly professional at workplace, they share a sense of mutual trust, confidence and co-ordination that helps in offering high quality service to each patient. Besides, it also enables the smooth, fast and effective delivery of healthcare service to the patients. Reference List: Hesselink, G., Vernooij-Dassen, M., Pijnenborg, L., Barach, P., Gademan, P., Dudzik-Urbaniak, E., Flink, M., Orrego, C., Toccafondi, G., Johnson, J.K. and Schoonhoven, L., 2013. 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